SLK_img2pixel 1.4

SLK_img2pixel 1.4 has been released! This update introduces an all new gui for SLK_img2pixel! Additionally the new gui makes SLK_img2pixel more light weight, using a lot less resources when idle.

New gui

The new gui is divided into two, separate windows. Both of them are resizable, making it possible for the preview image to be shown much larger.

Drag’n drop support

In the new version, you can simply drag’n drop a image into the preview window to load it! Depending on your workflow, this can make processing images with SLK_img2pixel a lot faster!

Full change log

  • new gui
  • drag’n drop support for images
  • fixed batch processing appending png extension without removing original extension


SLK_img2pixel - win32 1 MB
Version 1.4 Sep 17, 2022

Get SLK_img2pixel


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(1 edit)

Fabulous! It is a great improvement for me over the old GUI. Thank you. Not to forget the drag-and-drop opening of images also is very handy.